Ladies and Gentlemen!!
The days are heading there...These past weeks have been leading us closer to our adventures and have also been filled with enormous generosity, kindness and heartwarming words. The overwhelming response has caused much excitement and I am grateful for all of the support that you all have so enthusiastically voiced. I am truly thankful for each and every one of you because without you none of this would be possible. Many mixed emotions have been going through me throughout the whole planning process, but I can honestly say that today I felt truly ecstatic and fortunate for this opportunity to learn and grow from the extraordinary experiences and people that I will encounter along the way.
To top it all off, St. Mark’s has agreed for us to use them for TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS! So if you want to make a tax deductible donation please make checks out to St. Mark’s. For those that have already given your donations, I will check on how you can gain a recipe to receive a tax donation for 2007. This is a huge step and we greatly appreciate the Parish of St. Mark’s for supporting our efforts!
Also, there are a couple of events coming up that we are apart of that I thought you should be aware of:
On Friday Night, March 2 the Parish of St. Mark’s, in St. Paul on Prior and Dayton Ave., will be hosting a soup supper night where we will be presenting some information on our endeavors, answering questions and having a good old time. I believe it starts around 7 pm, if you are interested please let me know, e-mail me, or just show up!
I am also currently planning a fundraising/going away party, something really informal, with good company and laughs. It is going to be in early march, and I will get back to you with more details when I know the specifics.
Again I want to thank all the people that have generously donated to our cause! Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life and forget that we truly are blessed from day to day. The majority of us wake up in good health, with a roof over our heads and plenty of food in our cupboards. For this we are should all be thankful.
Your contributions, both big and small, are going to provide those who struggle day to day with a little peace of mind because they will have something to eat, or their child will grow up healthy and receive an education. Every bit helps and if we all pool our resources together, we can change the world together.
I hope everyone is staying warm! If you have any questions about the trip or just want to talk about anything I am more than willing to chat. You can email me or call me. or 651-224-9381/cl.773-678-4124.
P.S. I was playing around on this website that if you type in some words it will give you slogan to go along with it and this came out:
"Better living through positive solutions"
Pretty catchy huh??